Don Pedro Project - FERC License 2299
Tuolumne River Projects
Lower Tuolumne River restoration plan scoping summary and proposed work plan
Restore the 7/11 Segment of the Mining Reach
Acquire a riparian easement and restore Grayson River Ranch (GRR) on the Tuolumne River
Assist with peer review process for Tuolumne River Technical Advisory Committee (TRTAC) supported monitoring efforts
Assist the Tuolumne River Technical Advisory Committee with Peer Review and Technical Outreach
Restore the Ruddy Mining Reach on the Tuolumne River
Support programs to provide educational outreach and local involvement in restoration for teachers and students in the Lodi, Modesto and Merced unified school districts
Update and Validate the Spawning Riffle Atlas for the San Joaquin Tributaries
Analyze Archived San Joaquin Basin Chinook Salmon Scale Samples and Develop a Comprehensive Database Accessible to Interested
Parties (multi-year)
Develop a sediment management plan for the Tuolumne River
Develop an adaptive management forum for large-scale restoration projects
Enhance salmon and steelhead/rainbow trout spawning habitat by adding gravel to three riffles below the Old La Grange Bridge on the
Tuolumne River
Study the feasibility of developing a long-term aggregate source for San Joaquin tributary channel restoration projects
Tuolumne River: Special Run Pool 10 Dike Repair and Pre-Project Monitoring
Tuolumne River Watershed Outreach and Stewardship Proposal
Warner Deardorff Segment – Mining Reach Project No. 3 Tuolumne River Restoration Projects
Up-Migration and Straying of Tuolumne River Salmonids in Response to Fall Attraction Flows and Environmental Factors